Friday, June 7, 2013

Exploring Ulaanbaatar: City Parks Edition

In this tour of UB, we expose you to the unique and intriguing world of children's parks! Every park is different and everything is handmade, talk about creativity! I think the area we live in has a lot of families and we also live near a school, so there are a lot of parks within 100 feet of our apartment.

I think the below photo is my favorite piece of park equipment! A Ger slide! By the way, I found a lot of broken glass bottles inside that little Ger. I'm amazed I don't see more little kids bleeding in these parks!

 This little treasure spins in circles. I think the seats are a little too small for me.

These area is looking a lot more green now that summer has arrived, but that middle circle is still empty.

I love their faces!

Looks a feels like a crappy elliptical. Doesn't even provide a good workout.

A mushroom picnic with reused tire table!

I hope this becomes a working fountain at some point this summer, but Matt says the odds aren't in my favor. I especially enjoy the elephant's flexibility.

Little kids turning wheels, what could be more fun?

You can't make this if you tried! 

They make great reuse of old tires!

I think this is a little slide, where the bird's chest is the bottom of the slide.

Time to make up a new game of basketball. Any ideas?

That's all for now, but we will be doing some more wandering to other parks now that it is warmer out. Stay tuned!


  1. How funny! They almost look like sculpture gardens. My favorite is the elliptical! It reminds me of those sand scoop things they have in playgrounds here... kind of a weird contraption:

    1. I think the sand scoop things are much more fun! I should try to see if they have them in any parks here!
