Babies of Mongolia

One of the things that keeps Matt and I constantly giggling, in the midst of smog and bitter cold, is seeing the adorable, bundled up babies! This page is dedicated solely to display their cuteness! Don't worry, I am not yearning for a baby of my own, I just appreciate adorable things (e.g. Muffin)!

March 3, 2013
Best friends?

 Jan 14, 2013
The man on the left is holding the most bundled baby I have ever seen! I'm not sure if there is any mouth hole for breathing! This picture was taken from our apartment. They are standing in a park space, where kids often wrestle, people walk in circles for exercise, cats and dogs hang out (at different times), and some Mongolians hang out to drink vodka! I usually find something interesting to watch when I look out the window!

Feb 1, 2013

More cute bundled babies, with a few cats thrown in!


We see these cats jumping into and out of this whole in the wall of the building all the time! I guess they live in there.

You can spot the cat's black head coming out of the wall in this one. Do you see it?

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! So I guess people really DO leave the warmth of their homes and venture outside! This park will be an awesome little spot for you to people-watch from your apartment. Keep us updated on anything gossip-worthy that you see! :)
